
Governors are like a board of directors and make decisions about how the school is run. They attend at least two meetings a term and these meetings are held in school. As well as being a member of the Governing Body, governors are also members of at least one sub-committee.

Governors are appointed to help:-
  • Decide what is taught
  • Set standards of behaviour
  • Interview and select staff
  • Decide how the school budget is spent
School governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together, they can not act individually.

Our school governing body consists of:-
  • 1 Teacher governor
  • 1 Support staff governor
  • 4 Foundation (church) governors 
  • Head Teacher
Parent Governors:
  • Have a child in school (when elected)
  • Serve, as other Governors for four years
When a vacancy for a parent governor is available parents are informed and nomination forms are sent out.

Why are parents on the Governing Body?

Parent governors bring the views of parents to the governing body, but they speak and act as individuals. They should not be thought of as delegates or ‘mouthpieces’ of the parents, they do not vote for all parents in general. They have equal status in the work of the Governing Body and have voting rights.

What can Parent Governors be expected to do?

Parents governors can make sure that all communications with parents are both informative and easy to read, describe the activities in everyday language and avoid the use of jargon. Parent governors should be aware of ways of encouraging parent’s interest and should become actively involved in drawing parents into the school.

Foundation Governors
  • Are appointed by the Church.
  • Must preserve and develop the religious character of the school.

New governors are encouraged to attend training to help them fulfil their role. A comprehensive range of training course are run by the LEA.

Academy Governors
Mrs A Gedling - Chair
Mrs J Gammon - Vice Chair
Reverend M Thompson - Foundation (ex-officio)
Miss E Middleton - Foundation (Diocese)
Mrs T Murphy - Headteacher
Mr A McMahon - Staff Governor
Mrs J Allan - Staff Governor
Accounting Officer - Tina Murphy
Chief Finance Officer - Emma Cassidy